Kindred² - School Readiness Survey - Data January 2025

Online (CAWI) sample: Parents of children entering Reception in the 2024 intake

Savanta conducted a 15-minute online survey of parents through their internal panel with fieldwork taking place from 7th October to 6th November 2024. A total of 1,009 surveys were completed.

During fieldwork, hard quotas were set on gender of child, region, ethnicity of child and socio-economic group. Following fieldwork, the sample was weighted to be representative of the population of parents of Reception children based on these characteristics.

Online (CAWI) sample: Teachers

Savanta conducted a 15-minute online survey of teachers through their internal panel with fieldwork taking place from 15th October to 6th November 2024, and a total of 1,034 surveys were completed.

During fieldwork, soft quotas were set on gender of staff member, region and staff role (teaching staff and non-teaching staff). Following fieldwork, the sample was weighted to be representative of the population of teachers based on these characteristics. 

Note: The question 'Are not toilet trained (that is, toileting 'mishaps' occur frequently rather than occasionally)' was previously incorrectly labelled in the data sheet as 'occasionally rather than frequently'. This has been corrected. The question asked to survey participants was: Q2_1. Are not toilet trained (that is, toileting 'mishaps' occur frequently rather than occasionally.